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    The colorful and huge market of China's entertainment circle has been a competitive place for foreign singers in recent years. Maria, keck, a black girl from Africa's energetic dance, has been famous at the stage of the 2007 CCTV starlight stage, and then is very active in the stage of various theatrical performances in China. Ten years of wind and rain tempered Maria's skilful Chinese style typhoon, winning a lot of Chinese fans' nickname "Black Pearl"; not long ago, since the 2018.5.1 CCTV Luo Hua Party Music Festival, Black Pearl Maria was a cool song and dance on the stage of the Beijing Railway Station. The "Chinese style of trade" of the Rowe party has again ignited many pearl powder dancing with that rhythm.

    In the era of creation and innovation, all the new propositions of how to cross border development are also faced. Maria unexpectedly tries to appear on the stage of how to hold hand and woman painters.


    (right) painter Guan Jingge (left) Maria





    How to turn this dream into reality? As the reporter was invited to interview her, Maria first frankly told the Chinese complex that she was deeply in love with China. From the ancient oriental hot soil in Asia, she was worshiped by the traditional culture, so he went to Tiananmen and shouted, "China, I love you." I'm going to marry you! Later, with the madness of the Chinese complex, she first stepped on the road of starlight avenue and began to pursue the dream of foreign country. She took "married Chinese" overnight and had a beautiful and lovely black girl singing all over China from CCTV on the Chinese music stage.

    In particular, the Wenchuan earthquake and Yushu earthquake deeply caught the heart of this kind of African kind girl. Maria came to the earthquake area with a heavy rain and adventure to sing the charity performance, and donated all the expenses to the disaster area to support the reconstruction. She said she loved China, and loved the simple and kind Chinese people. For this reason, she loved the Chinese people. She is willing to bring African folk songs to the Chinese people.

    In the course of my interview with her, we communicate with each other great love and the friendship between the Chinese and African people. We have two people in the interview with passion, dancing, giving gifts to each other, giving a gift to Maria's national painting, and Maria giving a gift to the national costume for the sake of friendship.

    Looking back at the Chinese song world war, the memory of the pearl powder familiar to Maria is as if it was yesterday: in 2007, Maria keck, on the stage of the star avenue, had a fluency of Chinese and humorous typhoon, which left a very deep impression on the audience. In the final, he was one of the many foreign players on the Boulevard of starlight. When she stood on the podium, she knew that the big dream that was worth chasing his whole life was a solid first step on the way to success, and that the star path in the central country she liked later was still long. Indeed, in 2008, after her fame, she sang a single song "marry the Chinese" in her heart, yearning for the mysterious East, and all the love will be seen in the happiness of this life. After Maria took part in the many recording work of the CCTV variety show, including the 7 day of the five day music, the national day 7 day music, the new year 7 days of music and other programs, she has created a very good comedy effect with the humorous and interesting performance of the scene, which greatly improved the ratings of the program...


    Maria, who was interviewed by the media, told the black pearl, Maria, that she fell in love with China and was ready to marry the Chinese.


    The African embroidered cheongsam is very elegant


    Maria, the black pearl, presents a very sophisticated African national costume with the gift of the African nation. Painter Guan Jingji presents a gift in a northern homeland with ice and snow to show the friendship between China and Africa for a long time.


    Maria and painter Guan Jingge jump together with rock and roll dances.


    Oriental Mozart Lo, Chinese party composing, a Chinese pop culture, Maria singing, shocking entertainment circle


    Maria's trophy and certificate obtained from musical performances in China and around the world.


    Painter Guan Jingge and his works

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